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Titus Calderbank (pka Titus Bank)
Hometown - Penticton, BC, Canada
Hangs In - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Relying on the seminal tools of pop music, guitar and piano, it’s Titus’s voice that punches through the music. Challenging himself to up his songwriting craft, Titus attempted to write a song a day for an entire year. Though he came up a bit short, there are numerous gems in the 185 songs he created. Most recently, Titus has dropped I Do Ya and Hide Me Like You Do- each gathering more than 100,000 spins in their first month of release.
Favorite Song He Wrote – David, Daniel (written during his songwriting challenge) and I Give My All – recorded by Titus Bank
Dream Collaborator – Josh Record
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor – Moose Tracks
Titus Bank

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